Daily Scores

These scores track your daily progress
Recovery Training Scores Product information

Recovery Percentage

This number tells you how well you recovered over the past day, in the short-term. The higher the number, the better you recovered!

Sleep score

Workout Recommendation

Weekly Scores

These scores track your weekly progress
Recovery Training Scores Product information

performance number

This metric, updated weekly, tells you how your body has recovered (responded to workouts and mental stressors) over the entire week. A positive number means that your body is in a better state (more recovered) than it was the week before. A negative number means that your body is in a worse state (less recovered, more fatigued) than it was the week before. 

baseline update

running Scores

These scores track your ongoing progress
Recovery Training Scores Product information

total fuel

This metric tells you how well you've recovered over a longer period of time. It keeps a running total of your daily recovery numbers and uses them to provide an estimate of how well your body has recovered over that period of time. A positive fuel total means that, over the long term, your body has spent more time recovering than fatiguing. A negative fuel total means that, over the long term, your body has spent more time fatiguing than recovering.