How to do Calf Stretch

OK. Very important to be able to monitor and take care of your connective tissues. Primarily in. Mobile jointed areas. Wrists elbows. Knees, calves, ankles in other words. So we’ve already done calf raises or working on calves. This one here is just the basic astric on my train lab truck here would be great truck, so it’s just really easy. Stretch feet somewhat shoulder width here hands up and think about a full step back. And push that heel down. And as you do push the hip in. And hold it for about a count of 6. And then move back a little further. Man back. Now to six and then further. You can see home consistently moving that cab back further. Can come back up. We can do the other leg step back, hold it for about a 6236 and back a little bit more. 236 in fact, a little bit more. Stretch that cab out, stretch it out and push against the truck. And back up, and that is standing. Calf stretch