How much does a Personal Trainer cost?

In my experience, Personal Trainers can cost between $30 to hundreds of dollars per workout. The price depends on the gym, experience level and the tools like Recovery Monitoring your trainer may use. Choose a Personal Trainer who meets your specific goals I chose a Personal trainer that specializes in football centric training, for a… Continue reading How much does a Personal Trainer cost?

How to do TBar Rows

OK, getting into our T bar row. There’s a couple things we could do. We get a barbell and we put some weight on one end and if you have something to put on the other end, we secure it there. OK, I’m fortunate to have a little handle, but we can also use a… Continue reading How to do TBar Rows

How to do Jumping One Arm Press

OK, give it to the jumping one arm dumbbell press OK, alot of medical stuff that goes with this one. Impresses people just like to try to just use their arm but remember for combat sports in the way we train, we’re activating our whole body so our whole body needs to be activated on… Continue reading How to do Jumping One Arm Press

How to do Towel Pullups

Our exercise is going to be towel towel pull-ups. This is one of my favourites because it’s able to work my grip and work more dynamics than just a pull up bar. And remember when we do these pull-ups, we don’t want to just hold it as like a 5050 meaning you want to drop… Continue reading How to do Towel Pullups

How to do Dips

Getting into our dips. OK, our dips are similar, like the pull-ups. We don’t want to use a lot of momentum and take away from what we’re really trying to execute. Witches, shoulders and triceps and chest area. OK, all upper body. So as I go to kick up, I want to stop all momentum… Continue reading How to do Dips

How to do Incline Press

OK, doing the barbell incline press, I’m also going to have a spotter behind me because obviously with the barbells it gets a little bit dangerous on the shoulders. OK, so I again measuring out both sides of my grip are the same and even OK once I get that I secure my grid, don’t… Continue reading How to do Incline Press