How to do Dumbell Cleans

Getting it or dumbbell clean and a lot of guys are going to naturally just want to start off heavy. I highly recommend to start more around the 15 to 20 pound weight limit just so you get comfortable with how to clean these dumbbells, because again, these are individual dumbbells and each hand is going to be different strength. OK, so get something lighter to start off with. OK, put the dumbbells together again, getting your athletic position and now my hands are just going to drop right in front of my fans. My toes are going to be right under the dumbbell. Here I’m going to swap back down and keep everything tight again. Everything is down the middle and up through the middle. OK, it’s not going to be haywire. OK? If it’s haywire, that means we need go down in weight, and that’s OK. We’re going to build up to our strength. OK from here, head goes up. Pull it here now as we go and give it a little more of a squat. Thrust up and touch at the top. When I touch bring it down, bring it down the side. Then I rotate back and front squat down. Security first. Explode up. Touch at the top and bring it down. Bring it down the leg. Touch up the bottom pool. Push OK lot of pull push on this one. Again, touch no rush. Push touch at the top. Last one. Everything secured this time is going to be everything is tight here. Boo, Bush, comedown? Touch poor foot touch at the top and that concludes our dumbbell clean.