Are front squats now? There’s different variations. Some people like to do. Me personally, grabbing the bar or gripping the bar. I like to get my thumbs and place out else and put it right beneath these bridges right here, right next to my neck. From there it’s going to set me and let me know that I’m on a solid foundation. My feet are wide enough and my shoulders are wide enough. This is going to create all the bar into my shoulders. I put my throat next to the bar and I just relax popped my shoulder, my elbows high. That’s going to trap the bar in. As I lift up, I just use my elbows to pop up the bar, step back OK from here and get nice and solid. Let everyone know that I’m working with to that I’m OK and from here I’m just going to sit right into it, let my hip flexors and everything to get the work in break parallel just a little bit, elbow still high, bring it right back up. Now it’s really important. I don’t leave my head back because I’ll fall backwards and bust my head. So I want to stay looking forward the whole time. As I keep my elbows high, let my legs do all the work, not pushing out, pushing them, just bending at the hip flexors, bring it in one more drop secure, bring it up, walk in. Make sure it’s secure and we’re good.
How to do Front Squats