OK, doing the barbell incline press, I’m also going to have a spotter behind me because obviously with the barbells it gets a little bit dangerous on the shoulders. OK, so I again measuring out both sides of my grip are the same and even OK once I get that I secure my grid, don’t just go and push it up out of nowhere. OK, secure grip. First let your partner know that you’re ready to help you up and then from here. I like to bring it down little overnight, coming back up, touching off the chest, pushing it back up. Nice and controlled here. Keeping your core tight, breathing out and squeezing at the top, squeezing that chest. Last one came apart was going to grab it, curious everything, controlling your breathing throughout the whole time is going to be very important. Breathing in as you come down, pushing out as you go out and squeezing. And that’s your barbell press.
How to do Incline Press