Oh wait, that’s all there we go. There we go, that’s it. Now we’re in. Alright, now that our warm up is complete, we’re going to Julia footwork drills. Keep her feet fast, keep our feet light right? Sort of nice and simple. You guys have all the hopscotch before when you’re a kid, right? She had done more of it. Now you’re going to get out of here, it’s right, start feet apart. Well now again, we’re gonna go out, rotate your foot that goes in right. Try not to stare out if you can get it down to look more up and over. The squares are at right. Once you’re good at it, go backwards. So you get it down. You might have to draw back and do each one just going forward, but get it down to even backwards as well. Good now will go to Feeding Square nice and simple again to create our fast feet right? Leave it the same footage time start with the right. When I call Nikki share the one sticky shuffle to win one out right so my feet out two in one out two in one out when I land. I come back off this foot trim back in the square. Helps with angles when you’re fighting. Also, this helps with footwork, right becoming more of an athlete. Get down, you go fast. Going down, I like it a little bit more distance in it. Thank you shuffle with some distance man and stick it before you go back in right. So two in there about stick it, go back in. More of our fast feet here. Can you afford karaoke? Here, step four with the foot right so nice and slow, I karaoke into this one. I go forward karaoke in the same. When I step forward. Right, so you get down, you start speaking into. Alright, I can do that this time. Across over my left leg. I gotta crossover my right. Again, the crossover stays in the square next to you. Step 4. Crossover step for crossover set for. Get the good hip rotation in there. All these shuffle. Meatball, even his fight, give a little shuffle, right? Same thing, but his foot in the square. Right, sort of slow, don’t mess up the ladder so you get down and go faster. You’re good, don’t get tired, just go back instead of jumping back and you got done each direction. There’s some basic drills for your sweat going. Get your feet going fit in your legs onto the next.
How to do Ladder Drill 2