Always consult your primary physician when starting a nutrition program with Potassium.
Potassium is a mineral that’s crucial for life. Potassium is necessary for the heart, kidneys, and other organs to work normally.
Why do people take potassium?
Most people who eat a healthy diet should get enough potassium naturally. Low potassium is associated with a risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, cancer, digestive disorders, and infertility. For people with low potassium, doctors sometimes recommend improved diets — or potassium supplements — to prevent or treat some of these conditions.
Potassium deficiencies are more common in people who:
- Use certain medicines, such as diuretics
- Have physically demanding jobs
- Athletes exercising in hot climates and sweating excessively
- Have health conditions that affect their digestive absorption, such as Crohn’s disease
- Have an eating disorder
- Smoke
- Abuse alcohol or drugs