How to do One Arm Cleans

Are one arm overhead dumbbell claim OK, so with this one OK are free arm, we’re going to put behind her back? That’s going to help stabilize us so we’re not leaning and jerking all over the place. OK, from here I want to center the weight underneath my center mass and get my feet about that. With apart as I drop down, I’m going to look up and just dangle my arm until I could test the weight. I take a little step forward so that I keep my hand words almost. Behind me, OK from here this is going to help me engage my hips to rip this dumbbell over my head. OK, be here looking up. Just snatching it right up, bring it down nice and slow as I drop look up. We’re going overhead. Turn it, bring it down nice and slow back to the drop switching arms, rotate behind. Remember very important side angle here. I’m going to be off balance. I like to keep it behind my back keeps everything nice and centered as I look up. Snatch it right up, bring it back down to more touch go. Touch go. That’s our one arm overhead snatch.