Or rhythmic grappler clean. This is really going to test your durability and your lactic threshold. So remember, buckle up, keep everything tight and just keep pushing through the pain through this workout. ’cause this is what makes champions right here now. The difference between our grappler clean and a regular clean is we’re pulling it all the way through. We’re not going to use our hips to bump it up as we get here. We pop it up to here and then we press we bring it down but. Cool, it’s not bouncing off my hip. Everything it’s in front everything’s engaged from the middle all the way up. Here to here, drop it down touch. Now here we go now it’s now five more. Get it done. This push through the pain as a lactic starts to build up, we pick up the speedy and that’s our Richmond grappler clean who.
How to do Rhytmic Grappler Cleans with Press