Working are straight bar deadlift OK, two important things is our grip. We want to make sure once facing outward and my palm facing inward. From here I’m going to put my feet right in between there. Now with the bar. I never want it in front of my toes. I want to bring it as close to my shins as possible. As I said, my grip I dropped my but looking up as I go to lift I want to make sure again my arms are locked out and I just pick it up here. OK now don’t try to secure. And again, don’t let the bar go in front of your toes. Bring it in front of your shins and down your quads as it touches. Here bring it up. Writes broad, bringing it up. Remember, don’t let the bar go in front of your toes. Keep on your shins and on your quads as you come up all right, and that’ll give you a good position. Never looking down, never looking too too high up. And that are straight bar deadlift.
How to do Straight Bar Deadlift