How to do Ball Dribble Weave

Palm Coast captain David Taylor in the garage. This exercise is similar to a ball slam, but it’s called a ball dribble weave ’cause you’re not slam anything that you’re waiting so you take evolve into him and they come through going to set as far as you can and then come around and get… Continue reading How to do Ball Dribble Weave

How to do Neck Bridges with Ball Flip

This is called the bridge with the ball flip unit being a bridge position. Going to secure the ball between your ankles and now you’re going to bridge over. Once you bridge over turn. Re grab it with your ankles. Bridge an come on back over. And you’re damn good just like that.

How to do Feet Raised Neck Bridges

This is called the feet raised, neck Bridge Bowl feeder on a bench in parallel and you’re in a bridge position. And now you’re going to roll around on your neck just like you would a regular neck bridge good. Rolled around. Up and down. Round. So decide. And that is the elevated neck bridge.

How to do One Arm Shoulder Shrugs Left

And coach cow train David Taylor. I mean here in the world famous grouse, this is actually a shoulder shrug, but it’s isolated to one children. You’re having left shoulder and a dumbbell sporting, and now I’m going to lean slightly over the sudden now well. Shut up, back and over. Up back in over,… Continue reading How to do One Arm Shoulder Shrugs Left

How to do Dumbell Swings Left Right Middle

I’m coach cow. Train David till I’m in the garage. He will show you a dumbbell swing. It’s very similar to a kettlebell swing, except we use a dumbbell. The dumbbell you’re holding on to the plate here, and we’re going to go three directions going to swing to the center and up. Swing to… Continue reading How to do Dumbell Swings Left Right Middle

How to do Overhead Plate Rotation

I’m coach cow. Train David Taylor. I’m in the garage now. We’re going to do what’s called an overhead plates. We take a regular standard plate grip on it. We’re going to come up and now kind of wrap around the head around. Roundhead going to the left. Never gonna stop going around to the… Continue reading How to do Overhead Plate Rotation

How to do Old School Front Chair

Home coach Caltrain David Taylor. I’m here in the garage. This is called an old school front cherednik exercise. So basically we’re going to be sitting on a chair in the front going to take the plate with a rag on it and we’re going to do is hold it and then come back and… Continue reading How to do Old School Front Chair

How to do Pullups on Timer Max Reps Forward Thumb Over

Yeah, it will be like after the war they were good, right? I tell people that know what sample device whistle to take 99 Percent, 90% of weed athletes in the world. And they will struggle to make it through the warm up into. Exactly ready whenever you are there. You’re exactly right 100. Great,… Continue reading How to do Pullups on Timer Max Reps Forward Thumb Over

How to do Tap Taps front

Uncle Chow a train, David Taylor. And here in the world famous grouse, this exercise today is called Tap tap to the front on small Playa. It’s just like it says. Tap come down, tap tap tap tap, tap tap and to please. Stepped up to the front.