I’m coach, go to India Taylor. I’m here in the garage so you lot of drilling or 14. This one here is basically called 2 steps forward, one step back, those here here we go figure parallel here 12.112 dot 112.1. Now we go the direction or the 2.2. 14
Tag: bike
How to do Ladder Drills 13
Which cow during David Taylor? I’m here in the garage to show you ladder drill number 13. This larger here takes a lot of work, so watch closely. I’m going to go ahead and step into your back foot and watch the pattern. 1234 back out over 234 back over an F1234 back over and… Continue reading How to do Ladder Drills 13
How to do Rhythmic Cleans with 4 Presses at Top
I’m coach cab trim detailer I’m in the garage and show you rhythmically with four press at the top. Rhythmic clean is clean from the ground, shoulder width. Gonna clean it up, clean it up and now one. Four in back down and go. Four in back down. Rhythmically, for, press at the top.
How to do Core Plate work Abs
Home cooked cow trendy Taylor. I’m here in the garage to show you a core plate app. Basically we’re doing. You can use a plate. Convert core. But we’re going to want to secure our seats, so virtual if you want to go ahead and go down and put on one foot off like this.… Continue reading How to do Core Plate work Abs
How to do Bent Dumbell Rows
I’m coach Cole train David Taylor and we hear the garage. Right now we’re going to do what’s called a bent over dumbbell row, just like it sounds we’re going tomorrow, but we don’t want to roll with the elbows out and with the elbows tight to the sides. Wanna come up with the pause?… Continue reading How to do Bent Dumbell Rows
How to do Single Leg Jump with hands behind head Right
How could Captain David Taylor? I’m here in the crowd to show you how to do. Single link cloud to the right. Jump KP careful takes a lot of proprioceptive balance and coordination to do so. We want to make sure that you clear the hurdle itself with one leg, hands up by the head.… Continue reading How to do Single Leg Jump with hands behind head Right
How to do Shuttle Between Cones without Ball
Coach Cal Pitcher in Davie Taylor. I’m here in the garage. This exercise is simply a shuttle between two cones is to work on shuffle speed. So you start here getting good and relaxed, and then you’re going to touch the come around.
How to do Ball Dribble Weave
Palm Coast captain David Taylor in the garage. This exercise is similar to a ball slam, but it’s called a ball dribble weave ’cause you’re not slam anything that you’re waiting so you take evolve into him and they come through going to set as far as you can and then come around and get… Continue reading How to do Ball Dribble Weave
How to do Rythmic Jumping Press with Supination
I’m coach couch Andy Taylor here in the garage. This exercise is called a rhythmic dumbbell press with supination. Supination means a turn. Yes. So, and said dumbbells here. Take him up there and start here. This would be a press for the supination written. It means I’m now jumping with. 2. 3. Get a… Continue reading How to do Rythmic Jumping Press with Supination
How to do Trap Bar Deadlift
Uncut cow turning David Taylor. I’m here in the garage. This exercise is a two part counter movement. So first thing to do is going to take the ball up. You know you can lunch with your right leg and you’re going to press. Oh so going down. End up. At the same time. Down.… Continue reading How to do Trap Bar Deadlift