How to do Incline Press

OK, doing the barbell incline press, I’m also going to have a spotter behind me because obviously with the barbells it gets a little bit dangerous on the shoulders. OK, so I again measuring out both sides of my grip are the same and even OK once I get that I secure my grid, don’t… Continue reading How to do Incline Press

How to do Dumbell Cleans

Getting it or dumbbell clean and a lot of guys are going to naturally just want to start off heavy. I highly recommend to start more around the 15 to 20 pound weight limit just so you get comfortable with how to clean these dumbbells, because again, these are individual dumbbells and each hand is… Continue reading How to do Dumbell Cleans

How to do Side Step Lunges

OK guys, we’re doing great. We’re moving on to the sidestep lunges OK, this one. We don’t need a lot of weight on. We don’t want to start pulling, are growing or get two over on one side and not be able to kick it back up. OK so lighten the load on this one… Continue reading How to do Side Step Lunges

How to do Linear Lunge

Doing our linear lunch OK with our lunges. You know you don’t have to be as flexible as you think. You have to be when you hit lunges. OK, when you walk back with our linear lunch, you don’t want to step too deep or too shallow on this one. This one we want to… Continue reading How to do Linear Lunge

How to do Straight Bar Deadlift

Working are straight bar deadlift OK, two important things is our grip. We want to make sure once facing outward and my palm facing inward. From here I’m going to put my feet right in between there. Now with the bar. I never want it in front of my toes. I want to bring it… Continue reading How to do Straight Bar Deadlift

How to do One Arm Cleans

Are one arm overhead dumbbell claim OK, so with this one OK are free arm, we’re going to put behind her back? That’s going to help stabilize us so we’re not leaning and jerking all over the place. OK, from here I want to center the weight underneath my center mass and get my feet… Continue reading How to do One Arm Cleans

How to do Rhytmic Grappler Cleans with Press

Or rhythmic grappler clean. This is really going to test your durability and your lactic threshold. So remember, buckle up, keep everything tight and just keep pushing through the pain through this workout. ’cause this is what makes champions right here now. The difference between our grappler clean and a regular clean is we’re pulling… Continue reading How to do Rhytmic Grappler Cleans with Press

How to do Vertical Overhead Ball Slam

Are overhead ball slams. Everything here is going to be within the middle of your your core in the center of gravity. So you want your feet belt roll athletic position or athletic position against shoulder length apart. Keeping it parallel as we drop down. Remember, we’re not bending at the waist and pick it… Continue reading How to do Vertical Overhead Ball Slam

How to do Squats

Our next exercise is going to be the squad. If you have a squat rack, it’s going to work perfect for you. If not, we’re going to have to improvise, but right now, since I have a squat rack where we’re going to do is line up in the middle of the bar, I like… Continue reading How to do Squats

How to do 180 Degree Right Standing Floor Slams

Our right side 180 degree ball slam. OK, as we pick up the ball we want to drop with the ball again. Our feet are going to stay pointing forward and shoulder length apart. It’s nice and athletic. I never want to be too wide or too narrow. Here is real athletic. Dropping a squat… Continue reading How to do 180 Degree Right Standing Floor Slams