This is called the bridge with the ball flip unit being a bridge position. Going to secure the ball between your ankles and now you’re going to bridge over. Once you bridge over turn. Re grab it with your ankles. Bridge an come on back over. And you’re damn good just like that.
Tag: contact sport
How to do Four way Plyo Box Jump Lateral
How to do Side Step Lunges
OK guys, we’re doing great. We’re moving on to the sidestep lunges OK, this one. We don’t need a lot of weight on. We don’t want to start pulling, are growing or get two over on one side and not be able to kick it back up. OK so lighten the load on this one… Continue reading How to do Side Step Lunges
How to do Rhytmic Grappler Cleans with Press
Or rhythmic grappler clean. This is really going to test your durability and your lactic threshold. So remember, buckle up, keep everything tight and just keep pushing through the pain through this workout. ’cause this is what makes champions right here now. The difference between our grappler clean and a regular clean is we’re pulling… Continue reading How to do Rhytmic Grappler Cleans with Press
How to do Squats
Our next exercise is going to be the squad. If you have a squat rack, it’s going to work perfect for you. If not, we’re going to have to improvise, but right now, since I have a squat rack where we’re going to do is line up in the middle of the bar, I like… Continue reading How to do Squats
How to do 180 Degree Left Rotation Ball Wall Slams
How to do 180 Degree Right Rotation Ball Wall Slams
How to do Goblet Squats
How to do TreadmillTrack Loco Run 100 Yard Sprint
Whenever you ready coach. 54321 I thought 42 workout. So yeah before 5:00 PM. 54321 slow down here touching. Touching Texan forward 321 go. Ten 98765432 bring on down.
How to do 8 Count Burpee
Every coach key using in 54321. Fast forward to two workouts. For $5 54321. Slow down good touching, touching, touching forward 321 go. 98765432 bring down.