I’m coach, go to India Taylor. I’m here in the garage so you lot of drilling or 14. This one here is basically called 2 steps forward, one step back, those here here we go figure parallel here 12.112 dot 112.1. Now we go the direction or the 2.2. 14
Tag: footwear
How to do Reverse Grip Bar Shrugs
Uncle Skeletron David Taylor. I’m here in the garage should be reverse grip bar shook. Most people do shrugs with the cross grip or four grip going to do with reverse grip. So we’re going to come up with the bar. Good form coming up now we’re going to shrug. Up rollback breed down. That’s… Continue reading How to do Reverse Grip Bar Shrugs
How to do Core Plate work Abs
Home cooked cow trendy Taylor. I’m here in the garage to show you a core plate app. Basically we’re doing. You can use a plate. Convert core. But we’re going to want to secure our seats, so virtual if you want to go ahead and go down and put on one foot off like this.… Continue reading How to do Core Plate work Abs
How to do Sled Pull
Exactly. After the podcast, I guarantee every fighters like holy crap.
How to do Curb Calf Raises
How to do Ladder Drill 12
I’m coach Catherine David Taylor and here in the grass. This is ladder drill 12. This one here is likely suffered. But that really does not go into the box. So here truly goes out of the box for that again to lay down before they get here they get. They get really go for… Continue reading How to do Ladder Drill 12
How to do Shuttle Between Cones With Ball
I’m coach Cal train David Taylor. I’m here in the world famous garage. This drill here is called the ball shuffle and notice that I have the ball here and they have two cones here. Printable shuffle through exactly what it says. We’re interested in stance here. We’re going to shuffle over and when shuffling… Continue reading How to do Shuttle Between Cones With Ball
How to do Shuttle Between Cones without Ball
Coach Cal Pitcher in Davie Taylor. I’m here in the garage. This exercise is simply a shuttle between two cones is to work on shuffle speed. So you start here getting good and relaxed, and then you’re going to touch the come around.
How to do Pullups VBar Head Down Controlled
Hum Coach cow train TV Taylor I’m here today in the world from scratch and go ahead and show you a V bar pull up. The real important components of this exercise is to hang. And the head down. Then pull all web full contractions so the bar appear on the bar here standard bar.… Continue reading How to do Pullups VBar Head Down Controlled
How to do Single Leg Jump with hands behind head Left
I’m coach cow. Train David Taylor. I’m hearing the cross is show you how to do one leg lateral hop onto a plow. Careful, it takes a lot of proprioceptive balance and coordination to do so, so be careful. Hands go up on the head, right leg up and back up. Interrupt your balance. Come… Continue reading How to do Single Leg Jump with hands behind head Left