How to do Neck Bridges with Ball Flip

This is called the bridge with the ball flip unit being a bridge position. Going to secure the ball between your ankles and now you’re going to bridge over. Once you bridge over turn. Re grab it with your ankles. Bridge an come on back over. And you’re damn good just like that.

How to do Pullups on Timer Max Reps Forward Thumb Over

Yeah, it will be like after the war they were good, right? I tell people that know what sample device whistle to take 99 Percent, 90% of weed athletes in the world. And they will struggle to make it through the warm up into. Exactly ready whenever you are there. You’re exactly right 100. Great,… Continue reading How to do Pullups on Timer Max Reps Forward Thumb Over

How to do Plate All Direction

On coach cow train David Taylor and I’m here in the garage. Sexercises all directional plate movement. It is done with double slightly bent. With a standard plate. Don’t have to go too heavy on it. And the movement looks like this. Play horizontal. Click to the left. My head follows it back to center.… Continue reading How to do Plate All Direction

How to do TBar Rows

OK, getting into our T bar row. There’s a couple things we could do. We get a barbell and we put some weight on one end and if you have something to put on the other end, we secure it there. OK, I’m fortunate to have a little handle, but we can also use a… Continue reading How to do TBar Rows

How to do Jumping One Arm Press

OK, give it to the jumping one arm dumbbell press OK, alot of medical stuff that goes with this one. Impresses people just like to try to just use their arm but remember for combat sports in the way we train, we’re activating our whole body so our whole body needs to be activated on… Continue reading How to do Jumping One Arm Press

How to do Dumbell Cleans

Getting it or dumbbell clean and a lot of guys are going to naturally just want to start off heavy. I highly recommend to start more around the 15 to 20 pound weight limit just so you get comfortable with how to clean these dumbbells, because again, these are individual dumbbells and each hand is… Continue reading How to do Dumbell Cleans

How to do Standing Jumping Press

Standing jumping barbell press OK from here again, we’re getting the weight with the barbell. Kane was going to clean it up nice and easy from here. Alright, we’re going to get secured and start getting the mindstate. OK, there’s going to be a nice long minute workout or 32nd workout whatever your workout is… Continue reading How to do Standing Jumping Press

How to do Side Step Lunges

OK guys, we’re doing great. We’re moving on to the sidestep lunges OK, this one. We don’t need a lot of weight on. We don’t want to start pulling, are growing or get two over on one side and not be able to kick it back up. OK so lighten the load on this one… Continue reading How to do Side Step Lunges