How to do Ladder Drill 15

Coach cow dream. David Taylor. I’m here to show you that your number 15. Labrador 15 has two feet in. We’re going to go up over, back up over back like a zip folder. Back up Overbeck Overbeck in macular tracing over back up over back over back over. Larger 50.

How to do Ladder Drill 14

I’m coach, go to India Taylor. I’m here in the garage so you lot of drilling or 14. This one here is basically called 2 steps forward, one step back, those here here we go figure parallel here 12.112 dot 112.1. Now we go the direction or the 2.2. 14

How to do Ladder Drills 13

Which cow during David Taylor? I’m here in the garage to show you ladder drill number 13. This larger here takes a lot of work, so watch closely. I’m going to go ahead and step into your back foot and watch the pattern. 1234 back out over 234 back over an F1234 back over and… Continue reading How to do Ladder Drills 13

How to do Rhythmic Cleans with 4 Presses at Top

I’m coach cab trim detailer I’m in the garage and show you rhythmically with four press at the top. Rhythmic clean is clean from the ground, shoulder width. Gonna clean it up, clean it up and now one. Four in back down and go. Four in back down. Rhythmically, for, press at the top.

How to do Single Leg Jump with hands behind head Right

How could Captain David Taylor? I’m here in the crowd to show you how to do. Single link cloud to the right. Jump KP careful takes a lot of proprioceptive balance and coordination to do so. We want to make sure that you clear the hurdle itself with one leg, hands up by the head.… Continue reading How to do Single Leg Jump with hands behind head Right

How to do Shuttle Between Cones With Ball

I’m coach Cal train David Taylor. I’m here in the world famous garage. This drill here is called the ball shuffle and notice that I have the ball here and they have two cones here. Printable shuffle through exactly what it says. We’re interested in stance here. We’re going to shuffle over and when shuffling… Continue reading How to do Shuttle Between Cones With Ball

How to do 2 Ball Shuttle

I’m could kill a train David Taylor and I’m here in the garage. This exercise is called 2 ball shuffle. You have two balls. One that is approximately £10 lighter than the other, so I have a 10 to 20 year union wrestling skins going to shuffle over to the right. Pick it up, shuffle… Continue reading How to do 2 Ball Shuttle

How to do TBar Rows

OK, getting into our T bar row. There’s a couple things we could do. We get a barbell and we put some weight on one end and if you have something to put on the other end, we secure it there. OK, I’m fortunate to have a little handle, but we can also use a… Continue reading How to do TBar Rows

How to do Side Step Lunges

OK guys, we’re doing great. We’re moving on to the sidestep lunges OK, this one. We don’t need a lot of weight on. We don’t want to start pulling, are growing or get two over on one side and not be able to kick it back up. OK so lighten the load on this one… Continue reading How to do Side Step Lunges

How to do Dumbell Cleans

Getting it or dumbbell clean and a lot of guys are going to naturally just want to start off heavy. I highly recommend to start more around the 15 to 20 pound weight limit just so you get comfortable with how to clean these dumbbells, because again, these are individual dumbbells and each hand is… Continue reading How to do Dumbell Cleans