How to do Pullups Hanging Head Towell

I’m coach Caltrain David Taylor. I’m here in the garage. Today’s exercise is the teleport. Take a standard towel, wrap it through a horizonal pull up bar. I’d like to step up on something that could be hired. Take your hands wrapping up real nice and high being here. Yes. Can get really good grip.… Continue reading How to do Pullups Hanging Head Towell

How to do Jack Knife with Ball

Mom Coach Cal attorney David Taylor. I’m here in the garage. This a core exercise very similar to what we call Jackknife, Situp. We’re going to do with the ball. Looks like this. Take the ball up over your head. Bring your feet 6 inches off the ground and we’re going to check my phone.… Continue reading How to do Jack Knife with Ball

How to do Bands on the Neck

I’m coach Cal attorney David Taylor. I’m here in the garage. I’m gonna show you a old school neck exercise with vans. It’s been long forgotten. Headband standard 60 pound band here to 90 pounds. Take your head off the band’s gonna go up on your head here, but then you’re going to hold your… Continue reading How to do Bands on the Neck

How to do Single Leg Plyo Box

I’m coach cow train David Taylor. I’m here in the garage. Now I’m gonna show you a correct cercis called ball raised to catch. So what you basically need is involved. Two five £10. Just be careful you don’t hit yourself in the face. You want to grab the ball with your ankles and go… Continue reading How to do Single Leg Plyo Box

How to do Leg Raise Ball catch

I’m coach cow train David Taylor. I’m here in the garage from the show you correct your size now called the vertical leg raise ball catch going to take a ball about £10. You can use five can use 2 whatever it takes for you. Between your ankles. Could they back? In arms back above… Continue reading How to do Leg Raise Ball catch

How to do Ladder Drill 7

Coach Cow turn David Taylor here in the garage. This is ladder drill 7 called to Ianto out there simply been Denise closeout. Tools in without tolls until it’s up to him to his up tools in and backwards to Zappos in turns out to impose outdoors in tolls up to a lot of drill… Continue reading How to do Ladder Drill 7

How to do Ladder Drill 8

Cotacao between David Taylor and I’m here in the garage. This is ladder drill eight. It is similar to toe in toe out, but this time it’s called hopscotch. So literally bend the knees out. We come in one lives, in the other ones back out. Even in in out going back in out in… Continue reading How to do Ladder Drill 8

How to do Ladder Drill 9

Uncut calenture and gave Taylor. I’m here a lot of drill nine letter drill 9 is crossover step out so it looks like this. These are event crossover foot out touch. Crossover foot out touch crossover crossover foot out crossover foot out cross blue out crossover foot crossover. Fill it out. Forwards and backwards as… Continue reading How to do Ladder Drill 9

How to do TBar Rows

OK, getting into our T bar row. There’s a couple things we could do. We get a barbell and we put some weight on one end and if you have something to put on the other end, we secure it there. OK, I’m fortunate to have a little handle, but we can also use a… Continue reading How to do TBar Rows