I’m cold skeleton David Taylor. This is called the vertical pole to soft touch. You hold the ball up on your chest going thrusted upwards into the air. Not too high, but we’re going to catch it with soft hands as we East centric Lee squat down so it looks like this. Bengies throw it… Continue reading How to do Vertical Ball retrieve with Soft Touch
Tag: remote
How to do Iron Neck Rotation
All right, this exercise. Here’s one that’s a staple in all wrestling programs. It’s basically a forward neck bridge. And you’ll see that as the progression of this training program continues to get more complex, you’ll see that this neck bridge will actually go to a raised neck bridge on a bench. So right now… Continue reading How to do Iron Neck Rotation
How to do Neck Bridges
All right, this exercise. Here’s one that’s a staple in all wrestling programs. It’s basically a forward neck bridge. And you’ll see that as the progression of this training program continues to get more complex, you’ll see that this neck bridge will actually go to a raised neck bridge on a bench. So right now… Continue reading How to do Neck Bridges
How to do Ball Snatches
Snapchat that boil the technique is really lazy and lazy and full legs in full. Alright, we’re not going to use the audio. When is Fortnite? OK, let’s think of legs and pull. Poop. Nice. Good.