I’m coach cow. Train David Taylor. I’m in the garage now. We’re going to do what’s called an overhead plates. We take a regular standard plate grip on it. We’re going to come up and now kind of wrap around the head around. Roundhead going to the left. Never gonna stop going around to the… Continue reading How to do Overhead Plate Rotation
Tag: standing
How to do Pullups on Timer Max Reps Chin Reverse Grip
How to do Pullups on Timer Max Reps Forward Thumb Over
Yeah, it will be like after the war they were good, right? I tell people that know what sample device whistle to take 99 Percent, 90% of weed athletes in the world. And they will struggle to make it through the warm up into. Exactly ready whenever you are there. You’re exactly right 100. Great,… Continue reading How to do Pullups on Timer Max Reps Forward Thumb Over
How to do Tap Taps front
Uncle Chow a train, David Taylor. And here in the world famous grouse, this exercise today is called Tap tap to the front on small Playa. It’s just like it says. Tap come down, tap tap tap tap, tap tap and to please. Stepped up to the front.
How to do 2 Ball Shuttle
I’m could kill a train David Taylor and I’m here in the garage. This exercise is called 2 ball shuffle. You have two balls. One that is approximately £10 lighter than the other, so I have a 10 to 20 year union wrestling skins going to shuffle over to the right. Pick it up, shuffle… Continue reading How to do 2 Ball Shuttle
How to do Pullups Hanging Head Towell
I’m coach Caltrain David Taylor. I’m here in the garage. Today’s exercise is the teleport. Take a standard towel, wrap it through a horizonal pull up bar. I’d like to step up on something that could be hired. Take your hands wrapping up real nice and high being here. Yes. Can get really good grip.… Continue reading How to do Pullups Hanging Head Towell
How to do 4 Way MultiPlyo Drill
Home cooked cow train David Taylor. I’m here in the garage show you today at 4 windflower. Ideally have four plot boxes. Matter of different Heights. You bought yourself in. You’re going to move laterally, vertically forward and vertically backwards. So he sent rickley good form up and over. Up over that, yeah. Coming vertically… Continue reading How to do 4 Way MultiPlyo Drill
How to do Trap Bar Deadlift
Uncut cow turning David Taylor. I’m here in the garage. This exercise is a two part counter movement. So first thing to do is going to take the ball up. You know you can lunch with your right leg and you’re going to press. Oh so going down. End up. At the same time. Down.… Continue reading How to do Trap Bar Deadlift
How to do Rythmic Jumping Press with Supination
I’m coach couch Andy Taylor here in the garage. This exercise is called a rhythmic dumbbell press with supination. Supination means a turn. Yes. So, and said dumbbells here. Take him up there and start here. This would be a press for the supination written. It means I’m now jumping with. 2. 3. Get a… Continue reading How to do Rythmic Jumping Press with Supination
How to do Vertical Ball retrieve with Soft Touch
I’m cold skeleton David Taylor. This is called the vertical pole to soft touch. You hold the ball up on your chest going thrusted upwards into the air. Not too high, but we’re going to catch it with soft hands as we East centric Lee squat down so it looks like this. Bengies throw it… Continue reading How to do Vertical Ball retrieve with Soft Touch