OK, give it to the jumping one arm dumbbell press OK, alot of medical stuff that goes with this one. Impresses people just like to try to just use their arm but remember for combat sports in the way we train, we’re activating our whole body so our whole body needs to be activated on… Continue reading How to do Jumping One Arm Press
Tag: workout
How to do Standing Jumping Press
Standing jumping barbell press OK from here again, we’re getting the weight with the barbell. Kane was going to clean it up nice and easy from here. Alright, we’re going to get secured and start getting the mindstate. OK, there’s going to be a nice long minute workout or 32nd workout whatever your workout is… Continue reading How to do Standing Jumping Press
How to do Rhytmic Grappler Cleans with Press
Or rhythmic grappler clean. This is really going to test your durability and your lactic threshold. So remember, buckle up, keep everything tight and just keep pushing through the pain through this workout. ’cause this is what makes champions right here now. The difference between our grappler clean and a regular clean is we’re pulling… Continue reading How to do Rhytmic Grappler Cleans with Press
How to do Slack Line Drills
Alright you good. Alright, we’re going over the slide. We call the slackline revenues this this problem. Most athletic movements were doing in the garage. Really explosive, getting tired, jumping, staying coordinated K. This could be a slack line. It could be a ratchet strap which it is eropa jump rope. Easy to create that… Continue reading How to do Slack Line Drills
How to do Slack Line Drills with Partner
Alright you good. Alright, we’re going over the slide. We call the slackline revenues this this problem. Most athletic movements were doing in the garage. Really explosive, getting tired, jumping, staying coordinated K. This could be a slack line. It could be a ratchet strap which it is eropa jump rope. Easy to create that… Continue reading How to do Slack Line Drills with Partner
How to do Slack Line drills
Alright you good. Alright, we’re going over the slide. We call the slackline revenues this this problem. Most athletic movements were doing in the garage. Really explosive, getting tired, jumping, staying coordinated K. This could be a slack line. It could be a ratchet strap which it is eropa jump rope. Easy to create that… Continue reading How to do Slack Line drills