How to do Side Step Lunges

OK guys, we’re doing great. We’re moving on to the sidestep lunges OK, this one. We don’t need a lot of weight on. We don’t want to start pulling, are growing or get two over on one side and not be able to kick it back up. OK so lighten the load on this one… Continue reading How to do Side Step Lunges

How to do Vertical Overhead Ball Slam

Are overhead ball slams. Everything here is going to be within the middle of your your core in the center of gravity. So you want your feet belt roll athletic position or athletic position against shoulder length apart. Keeping it parallel as we drop down. Remember, we’re not bending at the waist and pick it… Continue reading How to do Vertical Overhead Ball Slam

How to do Rhytmic Grappler Cleans with Press

Or rhythmic grappler clean. This is really going to test your durability and your lactic threshold. So remember, buckle up, keep everything tight and just keep pushing through the pain through this workout. ’cause this is what makes champions right here now. The difference between our grappler clean and a regular clean is we’re pulling… Continue reading How to do Rhytmic Grappler Cleans with Press

How to do 4 Count Burbeep Jumps

Here we go. Eddie and coldness. Easy one to go and listen easy 1T. Then two more than three and slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow and gold. Ben small no good and bad Mango 300 fans. And then go back.

How to do Grappler Cleans

If you recall the legs and pull, it’s not that. Is a grapple so slow? No pass. Goalkeeper isn’t good. OK security. Good good. Vera good. Good.

How to do Rthymic Grappler Cleans Reverse Grip

If you recall the legs and pull, it’s not that. Is a grapple so slow? No pass. Goalkeeper isn’t good. OK security. Good good. Vera good. Good.

How to do Ball Snatches

Snapchat that boil the technique is really lazy and lazy and full legs in full. Alright, we’re not going to use the audio. When is Fortnite? OK, let’s think of legs and pull. Poop. Nice. Good.

How to do Dumbell Snatches

Bring it to the center internal. Turn touch him in the middle. Done. Yeah. Alright. Comma.

How to do Dumbbell Snatches

Bring it to the center internal. Turn touch him in the middle. Done. Yeah. Alright. Comma.

How to do Dumbell Snatch with Intermittent Press

Bring it to the center internal. Turn touch him in the middle. Done. Yeah. Alright. Comma.