How to do Trapbar Deadlift

Starting our trap bar squat. OK, first thing I like to do secure the bar, make sure I’m straight in the middle of the bar. I like to give a little squad in an place all my balance on the balls of my feet. That way I’m not building and pushing my niece to the out. I want everything down centered as I look up. I’m pushing my but a little bit out like I am like I did on my squats and now my head and chest is up now. Before I left my squad my truck parts while I just don’t want to yank. I want to get full extension on my arm by making sure my my arms are locked out. Sup but tight core Skype pop it up. I’m not overextending my hips and pushing them forward just right here is perfect. Drop back down, touch head stays up come up. Down up. Down keeping everything locked in tight still coming up a lot of people like to loosen the core on the way down. Don’t loosen it, stay tight, bring it up. And that’s our top bar squats.