The Lab has discovered the secret to optimal performance.

We had a breakthrough discovery that found the flaw

This will replace

We have the key to unlock your full potential and it all starts with your heart. 

The Heart Strap Monitor cuts out all the noise.

We developed a new algorithm to fix what was wrong with the industry.

Your will be better than the competition.

Your heartbeat is unique to you, like your fingerprint. So, we conducted trials to see if we could improve performance.  

During our trials, we discovered a way to map performance your body's unique fingerprint, using an ECG Heart Rate Monitor.

We created A.I. to detect changes in that fingerprint over time so we could project performance.

We applied this strategy to high end athletes and regular and some lesser knowWe take your heart's data and can then determine exactly where you are on the performance scale.

This is the fastest way to create greater performance is also the safest.



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