How to do Iron Neck Rotation

All right, this exercise. Here’s one that’s a staple in all wrestling programs. It’s basically a forward neck bridge. And you’ll see that as the progression of this training program continues to get more complex, you’ll see that this neck bridge will actually go to a raised neck bridge on a bench. So right now… Continue reading How to do Iron Neck Rotation

How to do Juan Using Heart Strap

Hey everyone, this is Bantamweight World Champ one Archuleta here to train with you. The first step of recovering and training and getting prepared for a world title camp is being able to get a heart rate monitor and getting your rest and recovery. So first thing in the morning when I wake up I… Continue reading How to do Juan Using Heart Strap

How to do Juan Kick Technique with Band

Everyone welcome to the world’s famous training lab workout facility. The garage here in this program I’m going to show you what it takes to be able to train like a world champ and be able to push yourself, your body, your mental capacity to the full and upmost capability that you can. Through these… Continue reading How to do Juan Kick Technique with Band

How to do Plyo Box Jumps

Alright, we’re gonna add some plow box jumps in there. Add some challenging stuff once again. First thing we’re doing is we’re jumping forward right. Most you guys have seen jobs where you’re you’re jumping, you’re getting you’re jumping fast that is not what we’re doing. We’re going to emphasize this stick and landing and… Continue reading How to do Plyo Box Jumps

How to do Nitric Oxide Dump

Alright, go ahead. OK, this exercise is called a nitric oxide dump and it is essentially for what the name says. It all is facile dilation within the Ethereum in your vascular system. To release a gas called Nitric oxide, which causes you to have a sense of euphoria and good blood flow. Things like… Continue reading How to do Nitric Oxide Dump

How to do Neck Bridges

All right, this exercise. Here’s one that’s a staple in all wrestling programs. It’s basically a forward neck bridge. And you’ll see that as the progression of this training program continues to get more complex, you’ll see that this neck bridge will actually go to a raised neck bridge on a bench. So right now… Continue reading How to do Neck Bridges

How to do Vertical Left Right Plate Rotations

OK, go ahead. One of the key components to Davids. Training success and his escalation performance was the massive amount of court sizes that we did. You’ll see that throughout this entire training program with Roger David Taylor, that Corps essential. So one of the core movements that we like to do is called a… Continue reading How to do Vertical Left Right Plate Rotations

How to do Active Recovery

Hi, I’m coach Cal. This garage mystery train champions in this drama train. You didn’t want to talk to you about a very, very important concept and that is called active recovery. You’ll see that on the weekend in your program that you are asked to do active recovery after recovery. Exactly what it is,… Continue reading How to do Active Recovery