Here we go. Eddie and coldness. Easy one to go and listen easy 1T. Then two more than three and slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow and gold. Ben small no good and bad Mango 300 fans. And then go back.
Tag: tire
How to do TreadmillTrack Loco Run 100 Yard Sprint
Whenever you ready coach. 54321 I thought 42 workout. So yeah before 5:00 PM. 54321 slow down here touching. Touching Texan forward 321 go. Ten 98765432 bring on down.
How to do Old School Plate on Flat Bench Forward
Going. OK, this exercise is called old school Neckplate forward. This is primarily for the stability of the neck. The trapezius rhomboids everything. Tie in there that you see on David Taylor. That looks real good. So first thing I do is going to take off your hat and then take a rag. Doesn’t really… Continue reading How to do Old School Plate on Flat Bench Forward
How to do Old School Plate Bench Back of Head
OK, OK, next exercise here for neck. Traps. Rhomboids is gonna be very similar to one that you did earlier, which was a flat bench old school neck race forward. This ones gonna be backwards. So first of all with plate will have a rag and you want to take your head off course. OK,… Continue reading How to do Old School Plate Bench Back of Head
How to do Front Squats
Front Squats provider another variation to squats in a more targeted fashion for your quads.
How to do Dumbell Deadlifts
You’re doing how many 6? But come down to the floor. Trap, but if that’s a good keep chest high. It’s gonna work.
How to do Trapbar Deadlift
Remember. Two days. B through the floor and feet through the floor. Things remember right? And when you come up, do not do this. Get. As it uses.
How to do Regular V Balance Deadlift
But it’s not this. Shit. Getting that adapter don’t need to hurt. Legs, it’s all legs. Got it nice. Nice, just like Texas. Oh yeah. Ross knows. Nice.
How to do Lateral Side Lunge right
In one sweat, good in one motion turn. Get. Yeah. Done. Red Yep.
How to do Two Part Lunge Short and Long Right Leg
Long. I was just making sure. Right? Too heavy.