How to do Juan explaining Workout Program

Everyone welcome to the world famous Training Lab, also known as the garage, this program has built many world champions and I’m here to show you and to share with you how we train. Through this program you’re going to find yourself battered, bruised, wanting to quit wanting to give up, but that’s the point… Continue reading How to do Juan explaining Workout Program

How to do Juan Using Heart Strap

Hey everyone, this is Bantamweight World Champ one Archuleta here to train with you. The first step of recovering and training and getting prepared for a world title camp is being able to get a heart rate monitor and getting your rest and recovery. So first thing in the morning when I wake up I… Continue reading How to do Juan Using Heart Strap

How to do Juan Kick Technique with Band

Everyone welcome to the world’s famous training lab workout facility. The garage here in this program I’m going to show you what it takes to be able to train like a world champ and be able to push yourself, your body, your mental capacity to the full and upmost capability that you can. Through these… Continue reading How to do Juan Kick Technique with Band

How to do Active Recovery

Hi, I’m coach Cal. This garage mystery train champions in this drama train. You didn’t want to talk to you about a very, very important concept and that is called active recovery. You’ll see that on the weekend in your program that you are asked to do active recovery after recovery. Exactly what it is,… Continue reading How to do Active Recovery

How to do Dumbell Snatches

Bring it to the center internal. Turn touch him in the middle. Done. Yeah. Alright. Comma.

How to do Dumbbell Snatches

Bring it to the center internal. Turn touch him in the middle. Done. Yeah. Alright. Comma.

How to do Dumbell Snatch with Intermittent Press

Bring it to the center internal. Turn touch him in the middle. Done. Yeah. Alright. Comma.

How to do Dumbell Snatch to two press

Bring it to the center internal. Turn touch him in the middle. Done. Yeah. Alright. Comma.